Overhaul Designs

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You'll never be "ready" so just go for it!

"I'm not ready yet...once I get this together...once I know a little more...when I'm ready, then I'll..."

Have you ever heard phrases like this or even said them yourself? I know I have!

It's so easy to second guess our decision-making skills and capabilities when it comes to chasing our dreams, especially if there is some risk involved, ending up stuck in the never-ending "when I'm ready" spin cycle. But the truth is, we will never really be ready! That’s life in a nutshell! There will always be more to learn, more to do, new ideas to try, old ideas to retire...we will never have "arrived," as the saying goes.

Never in a million years did I think I would be a small business owner. What do I know about owning a business??!! Nothing! At least I didn't until I started reading, researching, talking to other business owners, asking questions and simply starting, one step at a time, no matter how small the step! Learn as you go, make mistakes, try, try, try again, then try some more; just do something!

Stepping out and selling products at my first show, starting my social media pages and this website, going to my first conference - none of these things are “comfortable” for an introvert like me but I want my kids to see me putting myself out there, reaching for my goals and working my butt off in the process. With every product we make, we improve and learn more. We try new techniques, new color schemes, new equipment. Some people love our pieces, some people don’t…and that’s ok!!

Don’t let fear have dominion over you, paralyzing you and silencing your dreams. Fear is a liar! Early on in building my business, I came across a quote that really resonated with me. The quote reads, "Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try." I don’t know the original source but can I get an amen?! Even if an idea doesn't work out, at least you gave it your all and never have to wonder "what if."

So, in the illustrious words of Dr. Seuss, penned in his book, Oh, The Places You’ll Go, “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so…get on your way!”

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*This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Shopping through affiliate links in no way impacts the price you pay. Whether you shop through my links or not, my hope is you find products you love and function well in your home.* - Dena

Drop a comment below with the dream you’re chasing, and any other tips you’ve learned for “getting on your way,” so we can keep each other encouraged along the journey! Let’s do this together!

With love,

Learn more about Dena and Overhaul Designs here.

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